Saturday, October 15, 2011

Residual Crankiness

I have to say I might be suffering from residual-full-moon-crankiness.  It's been a one sheet landing day for sure.  But it really shouldn't be.  There's no tangible reason for it.  The weather is gorgeous.  The cats are alive. My daughter seems to be doing well,  from what I can glean from Facebook.    There are things that worry me to be sure, about other people, that I won't go into. And the financial situation is scary.  But that's nothing new.  I mean, these worries exist daily and don't always  have an affect on my mood.  I can maintain a fairly decent outlook usually. Maybe the Mexican food wasn't a good idea.  I do, at this moment, feel like I weight one thousand and sixty eight pounds.  But this "off" feeling has lasted a week.  It MUST have been one  powerful full moon. It usually only lays me out for a day. I'll chalk it up to a celestial funk that will fade soon...maybe by tomorrow morning.   We'll see. 

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In the Look-Back

In the Look-Back
P coat and twiggy hair

Riding the Stream Down

Riding the Stream Down
Snap shot from the Look-Back