Sunday, December 30, 2012

A day in the life

I really don’t mean to brag, but my life is what it is and that’s just a fact.  I managed to sleep until 2:30 today and the dreams were pure genius, even if I can’t remember them entirely.  A friend crashed a wedding of thousands of people [all dancing in sync.]  She ran in from a meadow dressed as a mosquito and immediately lunged at people, attached herself to them, one by one, and sucked their blood.   In another dream I was gorgeous and was sitting with three other gorgeous women in a restaurant in Miami.  A bunch of Spanish women stared at us through the window with looks of horror on their faces. “Why,” one of my friends realized, “they think we’re GHOSTS!”  I’ll bet if I put my mind to it I could go right back to sleep.  Never  say can’t!   I also plan to update THREE calendars.   THEN, if time allows, I plan to shave the calluses off the bottom of my feet. Anatomy is SO amazing how it adapts, don’t you think?   My feet realized they must become thicker to haul the extra weight! They just automatically know to DO this!  I think I’ll shave them down to carry a 230 pound capacity.

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In the Look-Back

In the Look-Back
P coat and twiggy hair

Riding the Stream Down

Riding the Stream Down
Snap shot from the Look-Back