Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Nemesis- the BOOK

There is an amusing episode of SNL. Susan Lucci was the host. If you don’t know who Susan Lucci is, she was on a daytime soap for, like, two thousand years. She didn’t receive an Emmy until about year nine hundred. It was sad. So SNL started the show with EVERYONE, including the janitor, walking around with Emmys.

I feel that way about having “a book.” EVERYONE has a damned book.

I met an old friend today. Years ago we had a show on a community access channel, (when community access was still cool.) It was a great way for wannabes to have a TV show. It was fun. Plus we got into places free. We got to meet cool people. We got free beer. I took a whole mess of pictures of Arlo Guthrie as we hung around with him for an entire evening, only to discover that my 35mm film was not threaded. If you don’t know what 35mm film is, Google it.

But back to the book issue. Has EVERYONE but me published a book? Jeezus! Some are self-published, but STILL. My friend is working on his SECOND. I have another friend, Chip, who has finished his fourth. The leader of my writer’s group is working on her second. She actually has an editor AND a publisher. Another friend is working on her memoirs. I could go on. Really. These people are just the tip of the old published iceberg.

My niece wants me to write a book. She even offered to help. I told her a person has to have content. I have no content. She told me I should title the book, I Have No Content. I’m seriously considering it. If only to say I published a book.

By the time I get around to it, books will no longer exist.
This was definately a two-crumpled-sheets-landing day.  But the weather was a fluffy-down-comforter all the way.

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In the Look-Back

In the Look-Back
P coat and twiggy hair

Riding the Stream Down

Riding the Stream Down
Snap shot from the Look-Back