Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Lunchroom Philosophy

So my buds and me were discussing the death of Osama at lunch Monday.    I commented that I heard they dumped him in the sea.  Someone asked why in the world they would dump him and not bring him back?  I explained that it was so he wouldn't be made a martyr and the place of his burial be some kind of a hallowed ground for sickos. [fundamentalists..same thing]   My friend Pat suggested that if they really WANTED to, they could put one of those little roadside crosses near the house where he was shot and embellish it with plastic flowers like people are so fond of doing around HERE when people die in accidents.  It made me wonder if Osama's neighborhood would put  little plastic rifles and head towels around it, rather than the usual teddy bears and note cards.

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In the Look-Back

In the Look-Back
P coat and twiggy hair

Riding the Stream Down

Riding the Stream Down
Snap shot from the Look-Back