Sunday, July 22, 2012

Summer Break

I’m not trying to make excuses, but I’ve been terribly busy with important shit.  Not that writing for my blog is not important shit, even if it is mostly for me. But if I told you what I’ve been up to, I’d have to kill you.  I’m saying that in a totally light-hearted way.  Jesus, it’s never a good time to use an old comedy standard these days because it seems there are mass murders on a regular basis which make funny “killing” comments totally inappropriate.
What does one do about that?   Personally, I go more deeply into my already present depression and think about things from every perspective and every angle. Then I cry until I’m exhausted.
I have friends who believe we should soldier on and be happy and have fun, no matter what.  
Not me. I’m going to die anyway, so why pretend everything is swell?
So aside from the fact that I used an old comedy standard that is “if I tell you, I’d have to kill you,” I also believe I must incorporate the disclaimer.
How does one remain happy amidst tragedy?    Woody Allen says that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.  And I paraphrase here, but he expanded on this in Annie Hall … I think.  So it basically means that the horrible consists of those who have lost their homes, their lives, or loved ones through death, destruction, or tragedy, and the miserable is everyone else.            I’m thankful to be miserable.
I think life mostly sucks,  but there are really good moments scattered here and there.
Thus, I have taken a break from posting here AND on the Safety Harbor Art and Music blog because I have stuff to do and I have no frigging time to do it because of overtime at work.  I’m GLAD for the OT, it’s just that when it stops, it will stop for YEARS.   So I must grab it while I can.  You’d think the money was actually making a difference.  It’s not.  Still,  if I can make an extra 60 bucks a week for a little while, I’m going to do it.
It also means I’m too tired to write.  And the house looks like… well, I won’t go into it. 
I’ll see you down the road.   

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In the Look-Back

In the Look-Back
P coat and twiggy hair

Riding the Stream Down

Riding the Stream Down
Snap shot from the Look-Back