Saturday, February 12, 2011

A Word Before I Go Off to my Second Job

Rick Scott wears his fascism like a neon traffic vest. Every time I see him I think of that creature that pops out of stomachs in Alien.

Here’s a little secret, when he says he wants to cut taxes for business owners, he’s generally not talking about my friends who own small businesses with 3 or 4 employees. He’d like to cut taxes for corporations to increase their bottom lines. OK. So maybe there will be more jobs in these big businesses if they get breaks, but how much of the savings from the tax cuts will be in the employee’s hourly wages? I wonder if it will be enough to cover the health care increases, because Scott and his cronies shot down a public option and insurance companies can still raise rates. I wonder if that money corporations save on tax cuts will be enough for employees to make their mortgage payments, or pay utilities, or rent…or HOMEOWNERS insurance?

But big business owners and those in the top 2% of the wealth pyramid should pay less. Right? After all, these are the best and the brightest. They know what’s best for the rest of us. They SHOULD hold the reigns. (Or something else when they piss on us.) Piss on economics. Thank you Master Reagan.

But that’s the American way…right Mr. Scott? You can never be too rich. Enough isn’t enough. Thanks for giving up the corporate planes. Such a sacrifice. That must have hurt. And Medicare is a socialist program anyway, so thanks for stealing from it.White collar theft is so-much more acceptable than those tacky Convenience store crooks. The money probably helped you fund your campaign. And now we have you for governor! See, it all worked out in the end! Oh, I forgot, they didn’t indict you, so you didn’t do it.

Let’s Get to Work! Really? Have you tarred a roof every day for years? Dug a ditch for a living? Cleaned houses?  (And not just your own after a cocktail party.) Run a daycare? Tried to teach 40 kids day after day and hope that even one thing sinks in because you're so busy giving tests so the school passes so it can get funds? Worked in a factory? ( A factory is a place where people work hard to make the things you use every day...mostly no college degrees.) What? I didn’t hear you. I’m sorry. I had earplugs in so the sounds of the machines don’t deafen me.

Paper pushers and any kind of O- CEO, CFO, COO, cheeriO, had to earn those expensive degrees. They have to make decisions for us because so many of us are illiterate, lazy, drains on society. We don’t even know enough to not chill a fine burgundy. We pop out babies in order to get rich on welfare. Ya, those women are ROLLING in dough.

The mean party will lead the ignorant masses into a balanced economy. They’ll slash social programs, (I got mine by working HARD) and cut funding for the arts. Who needs culture as long as we have our guns and expensive sports superplexes? Culture makes us weak. We should cut art and music from schools and push science and math so we can be competitive. A little healthy competition is good for building character. Leave the arts to the wimps. We can’t make money with THAT crap. NPR, kiss our nice, clean asses.

And thanks Rick, can I call you Rick? For suggesting that the monopoly, Citizen’s (THAT’S funny) Insurance should be able to increase their rates by as much as 55%. They shouldn’t be limited to only 10% a year. It was tough on insurance companies during those stormy years. They actually had to PAY claims. Insurance  companies should only have to collect money month after month and only give us “peace of mind” in return. Why, you can’t put a price on peace of mind! So if by law a homeowner has to have home insurance, then how many home  owners will we have if rate increases aren’t regulated? Hmmm? I wasn’t great in math, (I’m more of an “arts” girl), but I think you’ll end up with far fewer home owners! If those home owners really care, they’ll get two or three more jobs and learn to save for a rainy day. Right? We need to be more fiscally responsible, after all. Know how much a gallon of milk is Rick?

You'll cut those nasty taxes all right.  Taxing is bad. That's what democrats like to do. Those pitted roads, crumbling bridges, and bursting pipes under Manhatten will hold up just fine without being fixed for awhile.  As far as the environment goes...well, it goes!
Mr. Scott, I hope you have cold, bare cement at the bottom of your laundry chute.

Oh, LAUNDRY is clothes or linens that need to be, or have been, laundered. I don’t expect someone of your caliber to be knowledgeable about such things.

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